Training for the CAP EPC - Equipier Versatile du Commerce
The holder of the CAP EPC - Versatile Commercial Team Member:
The CAP EPC provides training in the techniques of marketing products or services. The teachers provide knowledge on the distribution circuits, on the modes of supply, the procedures for storing goods. Pupils learn the principles of storage, labeling and product shelving.

Communication skills, sense of listening, responsibility and organization, team spirit
He is trained to use commercial documents such as inventory and delivery documents, to use cash register software.
Teachers in professional communications allow students to establish contact with customers in order to accompany them in their purchases.
He carries out his activities in companies trading in products or services, whatever their size, where there is a client-vendor relationship.

Registration in CAP EPC is possible after a class of 3rd general, 3rd Prépa Pro or 2nde.

Pursuits of studies
This CAP leads to working life but it is possible, under certain conditions, to continue studies in 1 year in MC (additional mention) or in 2 years in bac pro.

Bac pro Sale (prospecting, negotiation, customer follow-up)
Organization of professional lessons

CAP EPC brochure