Physical education and sports (EPS)
School sport contributes to promoting respect for ethics and the educational and humanist values of sport. It plays a decisive role in young people's access to sport and gives meaning to "living together" and learning about community life. He participates fully in the health and preservation of the physical integrity of the students. It is a privileged asset for equal opportunities and for the civic education of young people.

Education Physique et Sportive

The EPS participates fully in the health and the preservation of the physical integrity of the pupils. It is a privileged asset for equal opportunities and for the civic education of young people.

School sports association
High school students who want to practice more sports can turn to the sports association (AS) of the establishment.
It offers students the practice of one or more sports every week, throughout the year.

the UNSS
Extracurricular activities are offered outside of class, they are optional and voluntary. These are sporting, recreational and cultural activities. For the most part, sports activities are organized by PE teachers within the framework of the UNSS (National Union of School Sports).
The involvement of students in the life of the sports association and in the organization of meetings and competitions is particularly encouraged.