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The documentation and information centre

The Documentation and Information Center (CDI) of the Clément de Pémille Vocational High School in Graulhet offers a wide selection of works of fiction (novels, theatre, tales, comics, manga) and documentaries (Auto Moto, jewelry, related with the courses offered in high school, but also human sciences, social sciences, fine arts, design, history and geography), as well as textbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias, and guidance resources (Onisep).

A “periodicals” space is also present with daily, weekly and monthly reviews on different themes:

     -  News: "news", "eco", "my weekly", "for eco", "TOPO" (news in comics for 15-25 year olds)

     -  The motorcycle: “green motorcycle”, “journal motorcycle”

     -  Fine arts, design, jewelry: "the jeweler", "steps", "fine arts magazine".

It is possible to borrow up to 5 documents for a period of 2 weeks.

The CDI has a reading corner with armchairs, tables and chairs for working alone or in a group and a computer room with 16 workstations. 4 additional workstations are available in the reading room. All workstations are connected to a printer, allowing the work to be printed within the framework of the courses.

Ses camarades de classe dans la bibliothèque

Access to the CDI is free. This year, it is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The documentalist is present 30 hours a week, he is at the disposal of the pupils to help them in their documentary research, for reading advice or on orientation. 


 He also works with teachers to prepare and facilitate documentary research and information evaluation sessions. 

Réunion de bureau

The CDI also has a 6-seat radio recording studio with microphones and headphones, allowing radio programs and/or music to be recorded.

Microphones pour émissions de radio
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